In July of 2004, the 9/11 Commission published it’s “Report.” As Dr.
David Ray Griffin notes, in his excellent book, [The 9/11 Commission Report:
Omisions and Distortions Olive Branch Press, 2005] the 9/11 Commission
Report is important for several reasons. The attacks themselves were one of the
most important events of modern history, resulting in the so called “war on terror,”
which we are told will not end in our lifetimes. Although the Commission was mandated to provide a definitive
account of the “facts and circumstances” of the attacks, we see in it’s “Report” the omission
of many important and incriminating pieces of information, an acceptance and
promulgation of the official story, and a justification for the official
response of war and more national and international police state measures. In
short, both the commission and its report have been subverted. As Griffin notes, the significant omissions of the
Commission’s report were the subject of an open letter to the US Congress,
signed by 25 members of the intelligence community, including veterans of the
FBI, CIA, FAA, DIA, and Customs. [Griffin, pg 13]
On December 17, 2003 Chairman
Kean announced that the attacks could and should have been prevented, and was
pointing fingers inside the administration and laying blame. "There are
people that, if I was doing the job, would certainly not be in the position
they were in at that time because they failed. They simply failed." Kean
also promised major revelations in public testimony beginning in January from
top officials in the FBI, CIA, Defense Department, National Security Agency and
possibly President Bush and former President Clinton. []
On July 21, 2004, the Chicago Tribune
noted that the 9/11 commission's final report does not declare that the worst
terrorist attack in U.S. history was preventable, though some panelists said
during the 20-month investigation they believed the hijackers could have been
stopped [Chicago Tribune Archives July 21 2004]. The Tribune’s statement
documents the rapid deterioration of the Kean Commission as an instrument of
The Kean commission was originally vaunted as independent,
which is absolutely false.
The Executive director Philip Zelikow was a member of the transition team from
the Clinton to Bush administrations. This transition involved downgrading the
importance and visibility of the Counter-Terrorism Security Group.
Although he recused himself from involvement in the
investigation of the transition, it was revealed on January
15, 2004 that both Zelikow and Jamie Gorelick, a commission member, were both still so
closely involved in the events under investigation that they have been
interviewed as part of the inquiry. "Did he interview himself about
his own role in the failures that left us defenseless?" asked Lori Van
Auken, the widow of 9/11 victim Kenneth. [1/15/04 UPI] Zelikow has retained close professional and
informal ties to members of the Administration.
Executive Director, Zelikow retained the power to hire all Commission staff and
coordinate the flow of Kean's investigation. He also had access to all
testimony—and managed all upcoming witnesses, document requests and subpoenas.
[11/21/03] Victim families complained of Zelikow’s
conflicts of interest in an Oct. 3 2003 letter to the Commission, but were
rebuffed. [10/14/03 Washington Post]
At least half the remaining commission members have ties with either the intelligence agencies, or the administration; i.e., ties with the entities being investigated. Chairman Kean has business links with Bin Laden's brother in law. []
Former Commissioner Max Cleland,
a triple amputee veteran of the Vietnam war and former Democratic Senator from
Georgia, was certainly the most critical of
the Commission. Cleland said the
White House was "cherry picking" documents it wanted to withhold.
"It's obvious that they're sifting the information to the 9/11 commission
now," [7/7/2003 WSJ] Cleland became
the first panel member to say publicly that the commission could not complete
its work by its May 2004 deadline and the first to accuse the White House of
withholding classified information from the panel for purely political reasons.
"It's obvious that the White House wants to run out the clock here"
he said in a Washington interview. He also said Bush's re-election campaign had
reason to fear what the commission was uncovering in its investigation.
"As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more
about these terrorists be-fore September 11
than it has ever admitted." [10/26/03 NYT]
On Nov. 12, 2003, the Commission announced that after
months of talks and the threat of subpoena it reached agreement with the White
House to provide limited access to the President's Daily Briefs. Under the accord, only two members of the 10-member
commission would have access to the full library of daily briefings prepared in
the Bush and Clinton administrations and two other members would be allowed to
read just the copies of the briefings the White House deemed relevant to the inquiry. [11/13/03 NY Times] Insiders
Zelikow and Gorelick were the only two members granted full access. Cleland’s response: "This is a scam,
it's disgusting. America is being cheated." [11/13/03 CNN with Wolf
Blitzer: 9/11] In an interview with Eric Boehlert of Salon, Cleland noted
“The president’s … decision compromised the mission of the 9/11 commission,
pure and simple.”… "It is a national scandal." [11/21/03]
Immediately after his comments on CNN and Salon, Cleland, was “approved” by Mr.
Bush to serve on the Board of the Export-Import Bank. Because statutes
governing the panel bar anyone who holds a federal job, he had to leave the
Commission. [Washington Times] The removal of Cleland also removed any pretense
of Commission “independence”.
Very few of the questions originally asked by the (victim) Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission. (FSC) were answered, or even asked by the Commission. These had largely to do with lack of accountability. For example, the inaction of President Bush, Mr. Rumsfeld, General Myers and others during the actual time of the attack. More disturbingly, the FSC abruptly changed it’s tone from demanding answers to its questions, to thanking the Commission for its failure to answer the steering committee’s questions, and urging that the Commission’s recommendations for deeper levels of bureaucracy and “intelligence” be implemented as soon as possible.
Although you will not find accountability
in the Commission’s hearings, you will
find lots of laughter. For example, transcripts of the 8th public
hearing, on counter-terrorism policy, revealed 19 instances of laughter on
March 23, and 65 references to laughter on March 24. Transcripts of the 10th
public hearing, on law enforcement and the intelligence community, revealed 27
instances of laughter on April 13 and 40 instances of laughter on April 14. The
format resembles a TV sitcom. (See,
In previous public hearings regarding major
issues of national security and timeline of the events of 9/11 no testimony was
taken under oath. As of Sept. 17 2003 however, according to Commissioner Roemer
on C-SPAN's Washington Journal, the Commission was asking that those who
testify in closed door meetings do so under oath. [9/17/03 CSWJ] The commission
also tolerated the presence of intimidating administration “minders” during
Because of her fluency in Middle Eastern languages,
Turkish-American Sibel Dinez Edmonds was hired by the FBI soon after the
attacks of 9-11 to translate terrorism related
intercepts , many of which were received long before 9-11.
In a May 7
interview with Jim Hogue, Edmonds said she came across “some very significant
issues .... there are certain
instances where the Bureau is being asked by the State Department not to pursue
certain investigations or certain people or certain targets of an
investigation--simply citing ‘diplomatic relations.’ …You get to a point where
it gets very complex, where you have money laundering activities, drug related
activities, and terrorist support activities converging at certain points …”
[SE interview: /]
began reporting her concerns to mid level FBI management in December
2001. Getting nowhere, she took the issue to higher levels, all the way up to
Assistant Director Dale Watson and Director Robert Mueller. The response was,
let it alone, or expect retaliation. She had better luck with the Senate Judiciary Committee
(SJC), soon earning the confidence of
Senator Charles Grassley, (R-Iowa), and Senator Patrick Leahy, Ranking
Democratic Member from Vermont. Grassley said “... the reason I feel she's
very credible is because people within the FBI have corroborated a lot of her
At the SJC’s request, the Inspector General of the
Department of Justice started an
expedited investigation of Edmond’s issues, promising that their report would be out by fall of 2002. On October 18th 2002 however, Attorney General Ashcroft, at the request of
FBI Director Mueller, publicly asserted
the "state secret privilege"
on everything that had to do with Edmonds'
case. [Chicago Tribune July 29 2004]
The UK
Independent reported that Edmonds said
she spent more than three hours on Feb 11 in a closed session with the 911
commission, providing information that
was circulating within the FBI in the spring and summer of 2001 suggesting that
an attack using aircraft was just months away and the terrorists were in place.
[ 02/04/04 archives] According to Tom Flocco, 9-11 Commission
member Richard Ben Veniste mentioned Sibel Edmonds by name at the April 13-14 hearing during FBI Director Robert Mueller’s
testimony; however, he did not question Mueller about Edmonds' astonishing
charges, saying "it would be inappropriate to address Edmonds’ allegations
in public," adding that they were nevertheless serious. [ story
id 60]
The subject of the April 13-14 hearing was "Law Enforcement and the
Intelligence Community.” The transcript, appearing on the Commission's website,
Includes Mr. Mueller’s testimony. Mr. Ben-Veniste's comments are there, but no
reference to Sibel Edmonds. Needless to say, Sibel Edmonds also did not make it
into the 911 Commission's report. [See Sibel Edmonds Open Letter to
Commissioner Kean:]
Brief analysis of the “9/11
Commission Report”
The portion of the report actually
examining the events of 9/11 is
relatively small. Of the 13 chapters in
the 600 page book, only Chapter 1, pg 1-47, and Chapter 9, 278-323; less than
100 pages, deal with the events of 9/11.
Chapter 8, pg 254-277, 23 pages, deal with the issue of advanced
warnings. Notes on the thirteen chapters comprise about 65 pages. Most references
given in the notes are not readily accessed or verified.
According to the official
story, our government was completely surprised by the attacks of 9/11, but
within hours had identified 19 alleged hijackers and within days the global
master mind, Osama bin Laden.
Chapter 1:
“We have a few planes”:
report notes the names of the 19
alleged hijackers and their seat
assignment in the aircraft. Detailed descriptions of the alleged hijackers
activities are provided, including specific interactions with airport personnel
, such as difficulty in understanding
questions from security workers. [pg 2 f] It is interesting that
such interactions could be reconstructed after the fact, considering the
thousands of passengers per day that are processed by international airports.
This is supported by the report’s words on the screening of American 77: “When
the local civil aviation security office of the FAA later investigated the
screening operations, the screeners recalled nothing out of the ordinary.” [pg
3] It is also interesting that passenger manifests for the four flights, widely
available on the internet, include only
American names; no foreign, and specifically neither Arabic nor Islamic names.
According to the Sun
Sentinel, two weeks after the terrorist attacks, investigators still were not
sure who all the hijackers really were. The 19 terrorism suspects apparently
used stolen identities, multiple
identities and fake names, obfuscating their trail so successfully that even
thousands of federal agents are having difficulty sorting it out. This could
explain why as many as seven of the alleged hijackers were found to be alive
subsequent to the attacks. The significance of this will become clear in
the analysis of the “Visa Express” in Chapter 2.
The report notes that
“passengers and flight crew [of United flight 93] began a series of
calls from GTE airphones and cellular phones.” Pg [12] Other report references
state “airphones”, while a number of additional references merely state
“calls”, from all flights were made, or “callers” provided information, without
documenting the type of call. Shortly after the attacks, media reported
that calls originated from cellphones. Later, the narrative became
fuzzy; and it was suggested that $10-a-minute Airfones were involved. Some of
the alleged calls, including one made from flight 93, were made from inside
locked lavatories, which are not supplied with airphones, and therefore must
have been by “cellphone.”
Technical arguments were initially provided
which questioned the authenticity of the cell phone calls. For example, Jim Heikkila reported on August 17, 2002
that the electronic handshake required to place a cell phone call takes
approximately 45 seconds. At 500 miles an hour, the aircraft will travel three
times the range of a cell phone's five watt transmitter before this handshaking
can occur.
The information from Heikkila
was corroborated by an article in the
August 2004 issue of USA Today, which
states that cell phone connection was impossible at altitudes over 8000 feet or
speeds in excess of 230 mph before the development of the "pico"
cell, which was only recently tested.
The authenticity
of alleged phone calls is critical, for
these calls supply all of our knowledge of the events inside the hijacked
aircraft. Yet the Commission report does not attempt to sort out spurious “cellphone” calls from
possibly legitimate airphone calls. Neither the Commission nor it’s report address why there should be any documented
instances of spurious cellphone calls,
such as those reportedly made inside locked lavatories.
report paints the picture that scrambling jets was really complicated: “As they
existed on 9/11, the protocols for the FAA to obtain military assistance from
NORAD required multiple levels of notification and approval at the highest
levels of government” [pg 17]. But the
fact is that rapid scrambling and
interception was routine before June 1 2001. Before that date, according to
spokespersons from NORAD, from the time
the FAA senses something is wrong, “it
take about one minute” for it to contact NORAD, and then NORAD can
scramble fighters “within a matter of
minutes to anywhere in the United
States. According to Global Outlook magazine, between September 2000 and June
2001, fighter jets were scrambled at
least 67 times. [] According to an Air Force
timeline, military jets provided an
emergency escort to golfer Payne Stewart’s stricken Learjet starting about 20
minutes after contact with his plane was lost.
On June 1 2001, the normal, efficient
procedures for jet interceptor scramble
were superceded by a new convoluted order
issued by the Pentagon. This order inserted Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld into the decision making process. [Michael Ruppert, Crossing the
Rubican Pg 309] (The same Donald Rumsfeld who was no where to be found
until the attacks were over)
report notes a dearth of interceptors
on official alert, and stated
that other facilities, not on
alert, would need time to arm fighters
and organize crews [pg 17] This statement is contradicted by an article
in Aviation Week and Space Technology (AWST), which reported that minutes
after the second WTC crash at 9:03,
military base commanders from all over the US were calling NORAD and volunteering to scramble planes. The Commander at
Syracuse NY said he could get a plane in the air armed with cannon in 10
minutes. Yet none of these planes were
put into the air until after the last
hijacked plane had crashed (about 9:40) [AWST 6/3/02]
report claims numerous severe inaccuracies in NORAD testimony, and notes fighters were scrambled
spurious reasons; for example the report claims “The notice NEADS (NORAD’s
North East Air Defense Sector) received at 9:24 was that American 11 had not
hit the world trade center and was heading
for Washington D.C.” and “The aircraft were scrambled because of the
report that American 11 was heading South” [pg 34] So
far this issue appears only in the Star tribune, in which Senator Dayton
accused NORAD officials of lying. A spokesman for Colorado Springs-based NORAD
said, "We stand on our testimony to the commission."
Yet the entire
history of the reported NORAD/FAA air defense response timeline has been filled
with changes, inconsistencies and contradictions. The timeline provided in the
first eight pages of Richard Clark’s book Against All Enemies also
conflicts with that of the Commission. [see]
On 9-11, NORAD, the FAA, the Canadian
Air Force, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and possibly the Pentagon
were conducting as many as five wargame drills; in some cases involving
hijacked airplanes, and in some cases inserting imaginary blips onto FAA and
military radar screens. At least two of these drills; Vigilant Guardian and
Northern Vigilance, appear to have pulled fighter aircraft away from the scene
of the attacks [Michael Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon pg 336 f.]
report notes that “at 9:05, Andrew Card
whispered to [Bush] ‘A second plane hit the second tower. America is under
attack.’ The president told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see an excited
reaction at a moment of crisis. … The president felt he should project strength
and calm until he could better understand what was happening. … He then
returned to a holding room shortly before 9:15.” [pg 38] The commission
was exceedingly supportive of Bush’s account of his actions. Bill Sammon, White House correspondent for the Washington
Times, and generally supportive of the administration, in a book called Fighting
Back, describes Bush as smiling and chatting with the children “as if he
didn’t have a care in the world” and “in the most relaxed manner imaginable.”
Sammon in fact referred to the president as “the dawdler in chief.” The White
House put out a different account a year later when Andrew Card was quoted as saying that after he told the
president of the second attack, Bush
excused himself….”within a matter of seconds,”
contradicting the video tape evidence. [The New Pearl Harbor by
David Ray Griffin. Pg 61] The commission did not address the issue of the
changed story.
The report notes “On the morning of September 11, Secretary
Rumsfeld was having breakfast at the Pentagon with a group of members of
Congress. He then returned to his office for his daily intelligence briefing.
The Secretary was informed of the second strike in New York during the
briefing; he resumed the briefing. After the Pentagon was struck, Secretary
Rumsfeld went to the parking lot to assist in rescue efforts. [pg 37] Gail Sheehy of the L.A.Times quoted Mindy Kleinberg, one of the victim
family members who helped to force the 9-11 commission into existence: "Two planes hitting the twin towers did not rise to
the level of Rumsfeld's leaving his office and going to the War Room? How can
that be?" The lead military officer that day, Brig. Gen. Montague
Winfield, told the Commission that the Pentagon's command center had been
essentially leaderless: "For 30 minutes we couldn't find" Rumsfeld. For more than two
hours after the Federal Aviation Administration became aware that the first
plane had been violently overtaken by Middle Eastern men, the man whose job it
was to order air cover over Washington did not show up in the Pentagon's
command center. It took him almost two hours to "gain situational
awareness," he told the Commission. [Los
Angeles Times Friday 13 August 2004]
Chapter 2, “The Foundation of the New Terrorism”;
2.3: “The Rise of Bin Ladin and Alqaeda (1988-1992)
The report states: “The international environment for Bin
Ladin’s efforts was ideal. Saudi Arabia and the United States supplied billions
of dollars of secret assistance to rebel groups in Afghanistan fighting the
Soviet occupation. This assistance was funneled through Pakistan: The Pakistani military intelligence service
(Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, or ISID), helped train the rebels and
distribute the arms. But Bin Ladin and his comrades had their own sources of
support and training, and they received little or no assistance from the Unite
States. Note 23 states “CIA officials involved in aiding the Afghan
resistance regard bin Laden and his “Arab Afghans” as having been
militarily insignificant in the war and
recall having little to do with them.” Typically
CIA officials have poor recall. Michael
Springman worked
for the federal government for slightly more than 20 years. First, with the Commerce
Department International Foreign Trade Administration and then with the Dept.
of State. Among other things, he was a Consulate officer in Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia. According to a BBC
interview, he was repeatedly ordered by high level State Deptment officials to
issue visas to unqualified applicants. He complained bitterly, both in Jeddah,
and the US, but was met with silence.
He found that what he was seeing was an effort
to bring recruits, rounded up by Osama Bin Laden, to the US for terrorist
training by the CIA. The intension was
that they would then be returned to Afghanistan to fight against the “Soviets”.
Neither the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, nor the attack on
American barracks at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia three years later shook the
State Department's faith in the Saudis.
In a longer interview on the Alex Jones Show, Springman states “According to the Los Angeles Times, fifteen of the nineteen people, the Saudis who were allegedly responsible for flying planes into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, … got their visas from the Consulate at Jeddah. Now, according to a journalist I know in Florida, this was done through a new wrinkle in the visa procedures there. At the time I was running the visa section, I personally interviewed at least one member of the family or just about everyone who wanted to travel to the States. They had switched things so that the visas would be submitted, in many instances, through travel agencies, that were approved by the Consulate. [Someone] would go to the travel agency and say I want to go to the United States - … get me a visa, I have to visit relatives there, etc. And they would simply send a package of passports and visa applications over to the Consular's section. And because they came from a reputable source, people didn't look too closely at it…” []
This processs is now sometimes called “Visa
Express” by 9/11 researchers. No wonder thousands of federal agents could not
track down the identities of the alleged hijackers. Solution? Hire more federal agents!!
Chapter 3,
“Counterterrorism Evolves”:
Chapter 3.7
…and in the Congress” discusses the issue of power of the legislative branch
versus power of the executive branch, including the congressional intelligence
The highly regarded
Asia Times wrote: “If the 9-11 Commission is really looking for a smoking
gun, it should look no further than at Lieutenant-General Mahmoud Ahmad, the
director of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) at the time.”. The Times notes that the general was breakfasting
with Congressman
Porter Goss and Democratic Senator
Bob Graham on the morning of September 11. Goss and Graham happen to be the Chairmen of the House and Senate
Intelligence Committees, who would eventually head up the “Joint Intelligence
Committee Investigation” of 9/11. Goss is the named replacemnt of former CIA
Director George Tenet. According to the Times, In early October 2001, Indian
intelligence learned that Mahmoud had ordered flamboyant
Saeed Sheikh - the
convicted mastermind of the kidnapping and killing of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl - to wire US$100,000
from Dubai to one of hijacker Mohamed
Atta's two bank accounts in Florida. “…the US Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) has confirmed the whole story:
Indian intelligence even supplied Saeed's cellular-phone numbers.”
No mention is
made in the report of the breakfast with General
Chapter 7,
“The Attack Looms” :
report suggests a 9/11 plot was evolving.
Section 7.3 “Assembling the Teams” states that “During the summer and
early autumn of 2000, bin Laden and senior al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan
started selecting the muscle hijackers-the operatives who would storm the
cockpits and control the passengers.” Pg [231] Although this sentence is
footnoted, the assertion is not backed up by any documentation. In the section “Recruitment and Selection
for 9/11”; terms such as “recruits”, “targeted for recruitment” “chosen for the 9/11 operations” Etc. appear
sprinkled thru a commentary generally only describing the alleged terrorists
backgrounds. Very little information is
actually provided about the details of any “plot”.
This is consistent with
the fact that seven months after the attacks, FBI Director Robert Mueller
stated “In our investigation, we have
not uncovered a single piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and
elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot.” Law enforcement
officials say that while they have been able to reconstruct the movements of
the hijackers in the months before the attacks -- all legal except for a few
speeding tickets -- they have found no evidence of their actual plotting.”
Chapter 9,
“Heroism and Horror”:
report related events at the WTC
complex and the Pentagon. A large part
of Chapter 9 concerned the response of emergency services at the WTC
complex on 9/11/01. The City of New York refused to release
hundreds of original tapes, because they contained “opinions and
recommendations” of the responders, “since
such opinions and recommendations are to be distinguished from factual material” [NYT 12/21/03] The 0911 Commission agreed to accept the
redacted tapes. Why would the
Commission not be concerned with our first responder’s recommendations?
report attributes severe damage to the 77th floor, 22nd (security
office) floor, the lobby, and B4 level
of the North Tower to a fireball from airplane impact.
[pg 285] The report references in
a note video footage taken by a team of
two French brothers, Jules and Gedeon Naudet, who were accompanying emergency
responders from Enginehouse 7. The
report does not reference the content of the footage, which is as follows: “To
their surprise, the firefighters of engine 7 found widespread damage to the
entire lobby area. Over and over, these professional firefighters expressed
their complete puzzlement over the damage in this area. there was no indication
of an incendiary-type explosion or fire in this area.
Reference at indymedia website: []
Further, the report does not tell us that the entire accumulation of evidence and investigation briefs on two highly important cases were being stored in the security (FBI) office, nor that the Head of Security of the WTC dug thru the debris to rescue someone. Apparently the fireball was not very hot.
Engineer Mike Pecoraro, who was working in the sub-basement level of the North
Tower, gives a harrowing eyewitness account of numerous ground and sub-basement
level explosions in the on-line
publication Chiefengineer. For example, “The two
decided to ascend the stairs to the C level, to a small machine shop where Vito
Deleo and David Williams were supposed to be working. When the two arrived
at the C level, they found the machine shop gone. ‘There was nothing there but
rubble, ‘Mike said. ‘We're talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press ? gone!’ The
two made their way to the parking garage, but found that it, too, was gone.
‘There were no walls, there was rubble on the floor, and you can't see
anything’ he said. []
The report notes that at 9:03 flight 175 hit the South tower,
crashing thru the 77th to 85th floors. “The plane Banked as it hit…, leaving
portions of the building undamaged on impact floors. As a consequence- and in contrast to the… North
Tower- stairwell A Initially remained
passable from at least the 91st floor down, and likely from
top to bottom. [pg 293] The report notes that by
9:58. the battalion chief had
reached the 78th floor on stairwell A; he reported that it looked
open to the 79th floor, well into the impact zone. [pg 301] This is
a reference to the so called “lost tape” which verified that members of the fire department reached the scene of the crash zone of South
tower, and thought they had things under control. The report fails to ask why
the DOJ required family members to sign a statement that they would not discuss
the contents of the tape in order to hear it. []
The report notes: “the North tower began its pancake collapse”
[pg ] The report does not discuss what a “pancake collapse”
is supposed to be, nor why the cause of
the collapses, according to FEMA in
it's "Building Performance Assessment" final report, has never been
determined. []
The report does not state that structural
engineers and fire safety experts, including some who took part in the original
assessment, believe the FEMA investigation was inadequate, and are calling
for a new independent and better financed inquiry [{NYT 12/25/01]. The
report does not state that in it’s March 6 2002 report, the Science Committee
of the House of Representatives called for a broader WTC investigation. []
The report notes the incredible survival of a dozen people
descending Stairwell B as the North tower collapsed. One of the amazing survivals was Genelle Guzman McMillan,
the last person pulled alive from the wreckage of the World Trade
Center. She was discovered on Sept 12, 2001, 27 hours after the towers had
fallen. During her descent, on the 13th-floor landing, McMillan “heard a rumble. ‘A big explosion,’
she now calls it. ‘The wall I was facing just opened up, and it threw me on the
other side,’ she says. She was struggling to reach a friend ‘when the rubble just kept coming
down....Everything just kept coming harder and harder.’“
The report
covers the events at the Pentagon in two quick pages [pg 314-315], with no
details of the crash of the “Boeing 757” into the Pentagon, with no reference
to the great controversy on this issue.
Chapter 10,
commission had been aware of, and reported on six charter flights that
carried 142 Saudi passengers out of the
US between September 14 and 24 201. [pg 329]
However, documents obtained from the government by Judicial Watch show
that commercial airline flights that
left between September 11, when US airspace was closed, and September 15, 2001 carried 160 Saudi
passengers out of the US. Judicial Watch stated that this information had been
provided to the commission, [August 2004 issue of Judicial Watch Verdict]
however this information was not included in the report.
Chapters 11, 12, and 13
deal with Foresight and Hindsight, What to do, and How to do it. The huge loss of life the commission is
supposedly addressing by its recommended changes in the US security structure
was due to the collapse of the north and south WTC towers. The cause for the
collapse has never been determined, so how does a change in security structure
address this problem?
Rodger A. Herbst for